Causes of pain after sex in Edmonton

Sexual pain can feel like a nightmare, but this is fairly common. One in every three women experiences pain during or after sex. Similarly, men too face pain after sex in Edmonton. Couples are very shy in discussing their sexual dissatisfaction with their partner because of possible consequences after that. Some of the causes in men are women are listed below.

Causes of pain after sex in women:

1. Urinary tract infection

A UTI is a common problem in women. Hygiene plays a good factor here to prevent triggering UTI. Good physical health and proper hygiene helps prevent UTI.

However, due to the increase of the stress in the lifestyle of women these factors are going for a toss. Women mostly young adults have symptoms of UTI due to which sex can become painful for them.

2. Ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac near the ovaries. This condition affects women once in their lifetime. Some women may get the symptoms of severe abdominal pain due to which it is diagnosed and for some women this condition goes unnoticed.

When the Ovarian cyst grows in size and does not dissolve on its own, you are more likely to feel pain during sex.

3. Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory diseases such as pelvic and endometriosis can be the reason for pain after sex in Edmonton. A pain with pelvis or endometriosis causes a sharp and stabbing like pain in the body.

Sometimes the surgeries are the only solutions to these problems. Your health care provider is the correct person to diagnose and treat.

These were some of the reasons causing pain after sex Edmonton.

To Know more about Pain after sex Please visit our website.


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