Deep Insight into Sexual Dysfunction in Edmonton

Have you suddenly become averse to having intercourse or is it that you haven’t been able to attain satisfaction from it? Being vocal about sexual dysfunction in Edmonton is not something anyone would be comfortable with but living with it is also not a viable decision. Sexual dysfunction can have serious repercussions on your married life so understandingwhat and why of this problem can help you get a better understanding of the situation and what needs to be done.

What is Sexual Dysfunction?

A condition which prohibits the partner from attaining satisfaction during any of the four phases of sexual activity(excitement,plateau, orgasm and resolution) is termed as sexual dysfunction.

What are the reasons behind sexual dysfunction?

As per research nearly 31% men and 43% of women face sexual dysfunction but find it awkward to come up with the problem.The reasons behind sexual dysfunction can be segregated into:

• Physical: This includes hormonal changes, alcoholism, drug abuse,heart disease, neurological disorder and chronic conditions like liver orkidney failure.

• Psychological:Depression, work-stress,past relationship trauma,guilt, anxiety or marital problems can cause your bedroom life turn upside down.

What are the commonsymptoms of sexual dysfunction?

Men and women exhibit the following symptoms:

• Painful intercourse

• Inability to get excited

• Disinterest in intercourse

Apart from this,men might have a problem in ejaculation and women might face difficulty inachieving orgasm which calls for immediate action.

Sexual dysfunction in Edmonton is best treated at Albany Laser &Cosmetic Centre.

To Know more about Sexual dysfunction Edmonton Please visit our website.


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