Urinary incontinence in women – How to get it treated?
Numerous women suffer from a condition called “Urinary incontinence.” Even though some men experience it too, it is much more commonly seen in women. There are different dietary and lifestyle changes you can commence to help ease the urinary incontinence symptoms. Bladder control loss occurs due to problems in controlling urination. It is an unintentional urine leakage that can happen during everyday moments like coughing or laughing. This is a stressful event for anyone who experiences it.
Types of urinary incontinence
There are two major types of urinary incontinence in women Edmonton, and they are urge incontinence and stress incontinence. Urge incontinence is a critical condition wherein a large amount of urine leak is found with a frequent feeling of having to urinate. It is unclear as to what causes urge incontinence initially. It might be because of some kind of bladder irritation. Women often get stress incontinence from putting on excessive weight or from having had given birth to children. Overweight weakens the muscles of the bladder thereby producing this condition. Most women possess a combination of both these types.
When you visit a medical provider to get treated for urinary incontinence in women in Edmonton, you will be asked to go through some tests such as a urinalysis and bladder stress test. If your medical practitioner wants to be more certain, he/she might opt for advanced testing such as ultrasounds, a urodynamic test, and a cystometry test to help measure bladder pressure. After determining the diagnosis, he/she will prescribe medicines to help ease and keep the incontinence under control.
To ensure you get the best urinary incontinence in women Edmonton treatment, you need to choose a reputed center like “Albany Laser Center.”
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