Surmounting Pain After Sex in Edmonton

While sex is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, it can be a nightmare for some. Being vocal about the pain after sex in Edmonton or any other part of the world is not a taboo rather living with it can ruin your bedroom life and have a major impact on your marital life too.

What are the reasons behind pain after sex in women?

This can broadly be categorized under two heads:

1. Pain in the vagina which can be a result of:

• Menopause
• Lack of sexual desire

• Vaginismus (if the muscles in or around the vagina become tight, sex can be painful)

• Irritation in the genitals caused by soap, shampoos or latex condoms

• Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea, chlamydia or genital herpes

2. Pain in the pelvis which can be due to:

• Fibroids

• Constipation

• Endometriosis

• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Apart from this, the reasons can be psychological as well which can have a major impact on your sex life.

What is the treatment?
• Talk to the counsellor or sex therapist who can help you in such challenging times.

• O’Shot can be a miracle in this situation.

• Change your lifestyle

• Votiva and Fotona Vaginal Treatment can be taken for better sexual arousal.

At Albany Cosmetic and Laser Centre you will find professionals who will be all ears to your problems and thus overcoming pain after sex in Edmonton won’t be a challenge. Block the date and time and kick start your sex life again.

To Know more about Pain after sex Edmonton Please visit our website.


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